HV6-3 Slots Rotary Table, Steel Dividing Plates Set -USA FULFILLED

HV6-3 Slots Rotary Table, Steel Dividing Plates Set with Free Manual-Milling Indexing Kit- USA FULFILLED. Horizontal Vertical Rotary Table 150 mm rotary diameter MT2 center bore with free operation & working manual. Rotary table’s Overall Height : 80 mm (3-1/4) Centre Height in Vertical Position: 105 mm Worm- Gear Ratio- 1:90, which means that the 1 handle rotation shall turn the table by 4 Degrees. Table Graduated 360 Degrees, Resettable Dial & Handwheel graduated in seconds. Vernier scale is caliberated to 10 seconds. Set of 3 dividing plates designed to fit this HV6 Rotary Tables is included in the kit. Centre Hole of the Plate is 21 mm No. Of Holes in each Plate Plate A- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Plate B- 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33 Plate C- 37, 39, 41, 47, 49 It is supplied with a brass stopper key, Bracket, Crank Handle & fixing screws. Vices & Work Holding. HV6-3 Slots Rotary Table, Steel Dividing Plates Set -USA FULFILLED. ASSORTS Machine Tools Co, is a +40 years old manufacturing factory based in New Delhi (India) which offers a wide variety of high quality Engineering Machine Tools & Accessories for Lathe, Milling, Tool room, DIY, Vices & Work-holding Category. We sell our goods under the registered brand name – ASSORTS. We do fulfill many of our stores from our US local warehouse. In such instances, please do check the item location for your easy reference. For the Items being fulfilled from the US warehouse, it may take upto 48-72 hours to advise the tracking details due to the time zone difference between India & our US counterparts. Thanks for your kind patience in regards to the same. Ball Turning Attachment with Graduation Scale for Lathe Machine II Bearing Base. Direct Fitting Ball Turning Attachment For 7x 14 / Mini Lathe-USA FULFILLED. 100mm Round Vise Vice for 4 Rotary Table + 3 Fixing Tee Nut-USA FULFILLED. 80 mm 3 Jaw Self Centering Chuck with Back Plate. Tilting Table For Milling Machine- (4″ X 5″ /100 X 125 mm)-USA FULFILLED. Mini Vertical Milling Slide with 2/ 50 mm Mini Steel Vice (Swivel). Adjustable Tailstock for HV4/ HV6 Rotary Table- Hardened & Ground-USA FULFILLED. R8 Shank Slitting Saw Holder Arbor for Milling Bridgeport Lathe- USA FULFILLED. Taper Turning Attachment with Live Revolving Center (Morse Taper2MT) -USA. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.